Tram Ride from sunny beach to the snowy mountains
Van Der Vlist continues expanding in the railway transport business. This time Stadler Rail trusted in our experience and requested us to organize the complete delivery of brand new tramways from their factory in Albuixech (Spain) to Lugano (Switzerland). The tramway was split into 3 sections and loaded on 3 very low trailers, due to the height restrictions in Switzerland. We had to pass a lot of low tunnels and bridges, and drive through narrow streets to reach our destination. This was only possible thanks to our engineers and technicians who designed and manufactured the needed rails and ramps on our specially designed trailers. At destination there was a lot of expectation waiting to see the arrival of the new Lugano tram, including the press. The offloading was done at night by our technicians directly from the trailers using our specialist ramps allowing the tram to be offloaded directly to the rails on the street.