2024 CertifiCATion for Supplier Excellence

Last week, Van der Vlist attended a Caterpillar event in Texas, celebrating suppliers for Caterpillar, where we received recognition for our demonstrated supplier excellence.

Every company, from logistics to tranpsort to suppliers of materials, that has achieved a score of ‘excellent’ is invited to this event. Thanks to the efforts and commitment of the Van der Vlist team, we have exceeded the excellent score that was needed to become an excellent supplier. We received recognition for both our services “Special and heavy transport” - EAME Ground Category – carried out by our joined transportation departments and our “Technical services” – Logistics Operations Category - carried out by our team of experts in Zeebrugge.
We are very proud of this recognition, because it is a testament of everyone's hard work and effort.  Congratulations and a big thank you to everyone for achieving this. 

For the Van der Vlist Group it is privilege to serve our long-term partner, Caterpillar. This recognition shows clearly that Van der Vlist has a solid foundation to move forward and drives us to continue to focus on safety, improvement and quality! 

Van der Vlist - The Power to Care